Looking for an Excuse?
Hey there fellow writer/author/novelist! If you’re casting about to latch onto an excuse to abandon your book-in-progress (whether it’s stored in a box somewhere, buried in an old computer file, or still in your heart and head), this excuse is as good as any other:
No one’s reading these days!
If no one’s reading, then why write? Hm? Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Reading or Not Reading?
A few years ago, I remember sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room and nearly every person in the room was talking on his or her cell phone.
If that scene were to be repeated today, what would those people in that waiting room be doing? Their phone (hand-held device) is not held to the ear. Instead, every person is looking at it. Something that would have seemed pretty strange only a decade ago.
So what are people doing by looking at their hand-held devices? I think you will have to agree – they are reading. Omigosh. People are reading.
Oh, but everyone is saying that no one is reading. Now granted there are plenty of videos, games and such on these hand-held devices, but one still has to admit – people are reading. Possibly more so than ever before.
Different Manner of Reading
Is the majority of the buying public walking into a bookstore these days and pulling a $25 book off the shelf and making that purchase? Not so much. (Personally, I buy lots of used books from Amazon! Don’t you??)
The fact remains: people are still reading. They may be reading in a different manner. They may be reading using different tools (hand-held devices and e-readers), but people are still reading. (She said again with emphasis!)
Not only that, these readers are eagerly scooping up two or three novels for a few bucks from Kindle and reading them while waiting in the doctor’s office, or on a long plane flight, or on vacation at the beach. Or scores of other places too numerous to mention.
Sorry if I spoiled your favorite excuse. I trust you’ll get over it.
Solzhenitsyn wasn’t Looking for Excuses
And while we’re on the subject of dousing excuses — if you really want to learn about a novelist who was convinced (for an entire lifetime) that external circumstances cannot, in any way, dampen the drive of a true, dedicated novelist – click here to read about the life of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
How Important Is It?
The point is this: those who are looking for excuses to jump ship will always find them. Those determined to bring the ship all the way home to the harbor will find a way to do so.
How important is it to you that you finish your book?
Nuf sed!
Tired of the struggle writing your book? Need a helping hand? Norma Jean’s Coaching Services may be the answer you’re looking for. Fill out the questionnaire on the page and let’s see if we’re a right fit. A FREE consultation gets the ball rolling. (Or the pen writing!) Click HERE!