Tulsa Greenwood District burning — 1921 Tulsa Race Riot
Tulsa Race Riot Survivors Speak Out
It took many years, but eventually a few of the survivors of the Tulsa 1921 Race Riot began to join forces and speak out. Joining together, I believe, gave them the courage to make their voices heard so the truth could at long last be exposed.
Unfortunately this speaking out happened in the years following my own research for the Tulsa Series books. How I would have loved to have interviewed a few of them.
These men and women, for the most part, were mere children as they witnessed their homes and the entire Greenwood District of Tulsa being destroyed.
This video is just one example.
In 2008, a documentary entitled Before They Die was produced and released. More about that in a subsequent post. Stay tuned.
All 4 titles of my Tulsa Series can be purchased in an Amazon Kindle package. They are also available in print. Check it out HERE.